
I have been in touch with the vets and they confirm that they have not had any further out breaks of strangles. We can now restart our rallies and training.

However please could everyone attending rallies, training, competitions etc, whether its mounted or on foot please ensure that you follow strict hygiene rules.

Do not allow your pony to sniff other ponies.

Put your pony in the trailer/horsebox as soon as you finish riding.

Wear clean clothing when visiting venues. Ensure that your footwear is spotlessly clean and not muddy.

Do not allow your pony to share water buckets etc with other ponies.

Bethan Jones DC

Symptoms include

  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swelling in the throat area
  • Nasal discharge
  • High temperature
  • Coughing
  • Lymph glands may abscessate and discharge pus in throat area and under jaw.



A horse with suspected strangles must be immediately isolated, away from all other horses before calling the vet. The Vet will advise you on treatment.

Your horse will show signs of improvement within a week but they can remain infectious for up to 8 weeks after the symptoms have disappeared.

A horse that has had strangles should be checked for carrier status before being taken out of isolation. This is done overa 2 week period via throat swabs, 3 negative swabs in 2 weeks indicates that the horse is clear and can return to contact with other horses.



Ideally any new horse entering a yard should be quarantined for 3-4 weeks and closely monitored.

Maintain strict hygiene at all times